Diabetes Patients and Periodontal Disease

Did you know???

Diabetes can help contribute to dental health issues? If you are an adult with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and your blood sugar control is sometimes not as good as your doctor wants it to be, you could be at greater risk for developing oral health problems. One of these potential threats includes a serious type of gum infection called periodontal disease that can lead to the loss teeth. Diabetes may lower your ability to fight the germs that cause periodontal disease, also known as gum disease.


Periodontal Disease and Blood Glucose

Periodontal or gum disease is a serious gum infection that can lead to tooth loss and might prevent you from achieving the nutritional goals set by your doctor or diabetes educator. If not detected by a dentist or hygienist or if left untreated, periodontal disease can cause an infection that destroys the bone supporting your teeth. As the gum disease progresses, symptoms might include tooth loosening or shifting, bad breath or bleeding gums. Periodontal disease can worsen blood glucose control and vice versa. If your blood glucose is high or fluctuates, you are at risk of developing severe periodontal disease.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

  • Red and swollen gums.
  • Gums that bleed are not healthy. Even if your gums bleed only when you brush too hard, ANY sign of bleeding is not normal.
  • White or yellow pus around gums.
  • Teeth that are longer and gums that have pulled away from teeth.

Consider the following questions:

  • Have you ever noticed blood (red) on your toothbrush, on your food, or in your saliva?
  • Do you have any loose teeth or teeth that have shifted on their own?
  • Have you ever been told you had gum disease or had a tooth pulled because of gum disease?
  • Do you use any tobacco products?
  • Has it been over two years since you last saw a dentist?
  • Is your hemoglobin A1c level greater than 7.0?

One or more responses of “yes” warrants a dental examination for periodontal disease.

If you have diabetes, be sure to pay special attention to your oral care routine, because periodontal disease is preventable with proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits.


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Dentists and Hygenists Keep Your Mouth Healthy

 Dental Visit

Most people maintain their oral health with regular visits to a general dentist. A general dentistry practice focuses on taking care of your entire mouth, including cleaning teeth, preventing cavities, and evaluating your teeth and gums for signs of problems or infections. A general dentist can provide diagnostic procedures such as x-rays that are needed in preparation for specialized care such as orthodontics, dental implants, or surgery to remove impacted wisdom teeth. 

 Routine Procedures

General dentists often perform routine procedures such as filling cavities and also the dentist or dental hygienist provides tooth cleaning or scaling. Your dentist also serves as a troubleshooter trained to identify early signs of gum disease, oral cancer, or temporomandibular joint disorders, and can coordinate your care with specialists, such as orthodontists if you need braces or endodontists if you need a root canal.

 Guiding the Patients

In addition, they provide patients with guidance and preventive health advice about how best to follow a regular oral health routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing.

 Additional Information

In addition, general dentists can provide many cosmetic procedures such as tooth-whitening, dental veneers, and dental bonding. Cosmetic dentistry is not currently a recognized dental specialty, but general dentists may have pursued additional education in order to perform cosmetic procedures such as bonding, teeth whitening, enamel shaping, and dental veneers. If you're interested in cosmetic procedures, start by talking to your general dentist. He or she can provide advice and refer you to a specialist if necessary.



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